Thursday, 20 August 2009

Menu stand holders and folders

We have all visited websites with navigation menus. No we’re not talking about the food offered on a road trip, Menus on a webpage are the tools to get you where you need to go. Menus can be made up of different elements, but they always serve the same purpose: to get your site’s visitor the information they need quickly, and display all that your site has to offer in a concise holders,folders, placemats, blackboards, menu stands, folders

Generally speaking menus are located near the top of the page either running vertical or horizontal depending on the design of the page. A menu can be as simple as a collection of words that have hyperlinks attached to them, to images that perform the same function but may have rollover capabilities, to Java Script or Flash menus that contain more information from things like a drop down menu or create a little more animation.
menu holders

When building menus for your page there are some “do’s and don’t’s”:


DON’T have your menu hidden from view when the page loads, preventing visitors from quick navigation.


DO have your menu stand out from other content on the page by using colour, size or font attributes to set it apart.


DON’T have your menu items spill over into a new row unless clearly separated from other links.


DO test the navigation of each and every menu item to be sure that you don’t have any broken links.


DON’T lose consistency of your menu from page to page – the menu should appear in exactly the same place on each page for consistency.


DO use drop down menus to keep visible titles simple but offer some extra navigation.


DON’T keep changing your menus around unless you want to go on to every page and change it again for consistency.


DO offer a simple and discreet menu at the bottom of your page (especially on pages with long content) so viewers can continue browsing but don’t need to go back to the top of the page.
menu folders, placemats, blackboards, menu stands, folders


menu holders

DON’T use flash menus with loud annoying sounds that irritate the visitor when they roll over the buttons this will prohibit further navigation deeper into your site.


DO use menu titles specific to your site. Sometimes “contact, about, home, etc...” might be called for but choosing creative titles might cause visitors to navigate further.

And finally DO plan out your site before building a menu, a well planned site is an easy to navigate site! If you’re unsure about where to start, contact us for some more pointers or to get QT Web Designs started building your easy-to-navigate site!

menu holders,folders, placemats, blackboards, menu stands, folders

carp fishing in france

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